Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 2day ~ Friday July 12th, 2019
Studied in the King James Bible


By the time Andy Long was twenty-five years old, he’d lived a life of madness filled with rage that no young man should ever have to live. His father was a drunkard who always beat his mother and big sister on more nights than not. Since Andy had been old enough to pray, he’d ask God to stop his father from hurting his mom and sister. God kept telling Andy things would be better soon, but sooner never came.

Andy’s mother and sister were murdered by his drunkard father one night, shoved down a flight of stairs at home. Andy suddenly found himself at the age of ten with no mother or big sister. This caused Andy’s young heart not to trust in God or his word, for he believed God was a liar and he no longer could trust in Him.
Andy’s father was sent to prison for life and Andy had been bounced from foster home to foster home until he was old enough to run away. Over the next ten years Andy lived the only life he’d known, the life of a drunkard.

At the age of twenty-five he met the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever seen. Her name was Janet, short for Janice. Janet instantly brought love and life back into Andy’s darkened heart. They were happy together but there was one major difference between them. You see folks Janet believed that God was her answer for everything, she trusted God wholeheartedly and her faith in God had convinced Andy to give God another chance. So, he went to church with her one Sunday, and the preacher just so happened to be preaching about how folks needed to first trust in God before they would find their true happiness that God intended them to have in life.

Immediately Andy became uncomfortable, and the fifteen years of rage caused him to shout out, ‘God was a liar and untrustworthy.’ Disbelief took over Janet’s face until the preacher came right back at Andy, telling him that only mankind lies, and since God is not a man, He cannot lie to His children. See> (Numbers 23:19) 19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

‘Yes, He does preacher’ shouted Andy, and your lying now by saying He doesn’t when you know we shouldn’t trust God. The preacher remained calm cool and collected as he responded back to Andy’s outburst once again, asking Andy, what was troubling him so much that caused him not to trust in God this strongly?

After Andy told the preacher and the entire congregation, everyone began to pray, some of them spoke in tongues while others began to worship God in the Spirit. Suddenly Andy felt goosebumps all over him. And shortly after, the preacher told Andy he needed to trust in his Father God rather than trust in the understandings his father had influenced on him with his lies, because his Father God is trustworthy, and He’ll never tell a lie to His Children. See> (Proverbs 3:5) 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

My final thoughts.
After several of councils with Jesus and the preacher, Andy understood how wrong he’d been all his life.  A few Sundays later, Andy publicly gave his life to his Lord and Savior and began his new life with Christ and his Father God, amen.

Let us pray
Lord, we know how folks can allow anger and grief to come between them and their Father God. So, we come to you this morning, asking that you help anyone of us who have read this morning’s message that find themselves in similar circumstances, to find their way to someone of faith, who will help guide them to their awaiting new life in You Lord. We pray in Your name Jesus Christ, amen.

Rev James Erick

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