I'd like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to President Trump and Vice President Vance!
May these next 4 years be peaceful and prosperous and may our futures reflect all the success that lies ahead!!!
"One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!"
God Bless America ♥️
Possibly add a "Back to Top' arrow or button at the bottom of the page.
Possibly float a 'Home' button so scrolling to the top of the page isn't necessary.
Probably isn't necessary right now, but adding the set of page numbers, next, previous, buttons would be helpful. Unless it is meant to be one continuous page.
Love your site.
Thank You for making it available .
Thanks for your input Norm!
I passed your comments along to our guru :-)
Every day I post once in each of many groups to attract more Patriots. This is what I normally post:
Welcome Patriots to www.proamericaonly.org%2F&h=ATPUhp-DnHQrbmf7TYNRf6QNRCSwEI6mSt2WUXI_pBlq7UCvj6rPEPHiFTsMIWRYYADM8Dp0tpu1azIVwDAFICX7xWlNwuyPH584DuBzrz2KxDihIYAW9-WyF2dRwn_Gq7gZDE_ni_5d-oPeketFJAdyUHwZd41Qdcf6c0BF5MgHOQ-T9eTYTlDiq6TfNv8JsdO8_MJv3nMoIRvXRHEWsYGRDYNo-zocEwTR87cvlabkbhiSTfhqmkOBmZ9Fo6428Aw014jnmw" target="_blank">www.proamericaonly.org
Where there's NO algorithms, NO censorship, NO jail, NO liberals, and NO ads!
Just Patriots uniting to share love of country and to work towards having a positive impact on the 11/6 elections!
What state are you from, and are you interested in organizing the Patriots in your state as we grow?
Let me know, and here's to a GREAT RUN AHEAD!
Feel free to modify it our use it as is to attract fellow Patriots to "FB, but with a PURPOSE!" :-)
I LOVE this site !... Hopefully It's Existence will be spread around to all Social media sites as an alternative... I do think that there will be many liberal trolls coming here once the site is better know and publicized.
One thing I noticed is that there is no 'Edit' feature for comments.....THIS is Mandatory...and should be a 'given'... lol...I honestly don't know of anyone who writes every comment they make and never needing to edit, add words or change something.
We should each make it a priority to advertise this site on all other media that we can... and even send links to FOX news host and ONE AMERICA NEWS for them to report on...
Thanks for starting this and allowing conservatives a place to spread the truth without being harassed by the lunatic fringe, Liberal fascist in our world
Having had 7 accounts before I deactivated them all today for Facebitch, when I would go to another account once one was banned for the 30 days I constantly got I could easily scroll down the list of names of people it suggested I make friends with, AND SINCE, most were or had been friends on one of the other accounts it would say "you and so in so have Warren Garrison as a mutual friend, or Bruce, or Bruce W. a couple of the names which were actually my names, just one time first and last, other times a little change up from Bruce Warren G. The last account I lost today because I encouraged Maxine Waters to DIE and called her an old DOG, that one only had a little over 600 friends. The 5,000 account I'm gonna really miss because I do like my Soap Box. BUT the other night on this 600 account I had posted my having gone out and walked up on a rattler. WHEN time permits I might take them off, when it doesn't I grab them by the tail and pop their neck, the one the other night suffered that Chiropractic maneuver, unfortunately it's one they don't live through. Anyway, I posted it and on the 5,000 account BAM! in min's I would be getting 30-40 responses, everything from DAMN, to "You fool", but I didn't get any. SO I said, "am I getting out, no one is responding" and immediately I got like 20 replies that "we read everything you post even though we might not respond, keep up the good work".
SO at this point I'm going to miss my audience. Let's get this thing going. Just the other night on PBS "Pure Bull Shit" they gave MeWe a good word, even had the main dude that's doing that. He looked awfully familiar, wasn't he in with Zuckerburg at some point in time?
Is it just me, or does the "friends" idea make you cringe, too? An open ideas, discussion site shouldn't begin by segmenting people by groups of "friends." Do we really want to mimic the Masters of the Universe censorship sites to that extent?
I've just seen CENSOREDbook turn the "friend" feature into a farce, and some kind of race to accumulate so called friends. It became juvenile. I'd hate to see the promise of a fair, open conservative forum/strategy site turn into a goofy free-for-all like the "major" socialist media sites have become.
I am not a Tweeter or Fakebooker, but my gut feeling is to streamline the site for it's intended purpose. Get rid of the bells and whistles that will distract from the goals. A "friends" heierarchy, in my mind, would be the first to go.
A marvelous site! What took you so long? :^)
1. I'd suggest displaying a window/thought bubble when hovering over a poster name with the status of that individual as to whether they're a friend or not, mutual connections, etc.
2. The "my state" seems unfortunately used too little. I've shared comments to many states, in fact more comments on most states than anyone else. It would be good for that segment to display the linked thumbnail also instead of just the link.
3. I'm in my 7th - 30 day gulag visit from the Fascistcrap Nazis. Stay involved mostly cause I have a business & club site there and they do have the most connections. I'm also deleting most old posts, likes, comments, etc. Really too bad they are so chicken crap about their interpretation of the rules of engagement. THANK YOU FOR PUTTING PAO UP!!!
4. How about regular reports on PAO progress - updates to site, growth, press mention, etc. I've shared and invited "friends" to join PAO to/at FB (when not in their Nazi gulag), Tea Party Forum, FreedomVine, and GAB and will continue.
For ease of use consider segmenting part of the site, where content, pics, links, videos, etc. are shown into interest areas.
Some of my content is aimed at USA affairs. Then it can be sub-divided into various topics such as Islam, Invasion (illegal aliens), Monolithic corporations and government collusion and other areas of interest.
Other content is aimed at Europe and the ongoing barbarian invasion those Western countries are confronting. Islam invading. African barbarians invading. Traitors within such as Merkel, Macron and the EU full of traitors.
All of Western civilization is under attack. Some of my input includes Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other outposts. Again there is invasion and traitors and assorted affairs that do not bode well for the continued existence of Western civilization.
Some folks want info regarding militias. Many different interests but space limitations may preclude having too many "compartments" within the site.
Just a thought regarding site layout.
You folks will do what is best for you. And, as uttered before, before banning folks please give warnings asking for the user to tones things down or to omit certain topics, etc.
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU for giving us the option of this website! I hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as Parler.
Having said that, I'm very new to this site but do wish that people from the different states weren't listed separately. I haven't done a lot of looking around yet, but was disappointed to need to click on the different states to read peoples opinions. I mean I am interested in everybody's opinion, not just the ones from my state of Arizona.