• Jeff Hertzog
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Jimmy Carbonaro Muhammad was the False Prophet we were all warned about. And Allah is the Beast.
      • March 16, 2023
  • Jeff Hertzog
    I pray for #God’s WRATH if this is not reversed NOW!
    Welcome to #NaziGermany #USSR #FascistItaly #666 & #RedChina#America are you going to grow a pair and stop this!? #RestoreTheMilitia#VeteransAdministration
    #Veterans Told By Local #VA They...  more
    Veterans Told By Local VA They Are "Subject To Inspection To Inc
  • Jeff Hertzog
    #NaziGermany, #USSR #SovietUnion , #Fascist #Italy #666 #Satan #Lucifer & #RedChina coming to #Virginia! #Democrat Bill Would Criminally Prosecute Parents Who Don’t Affirm #Transgender Kids ...  more
    This New VA Democrat Bill Would Criminally Prosecute Parents Who
  • Rob Raskin
    Could this possibly be true.
    • Glenn Tober reacted on this.
    • Rob Raskin
      Glenn Tober I would not put it past Gates. Satanists have been getting bolder every day. They don't even try to conceal themselves anymore. Bill Gates and his Vaccines have killed Millions, yet the Left looks at him as a god. I'm hoping one of the Indictments is for him.
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