• Jeff Hertzog
    I pray for #God’s WRATH if this is not reversed NOW!
    Welcome to #NaziGermany #USSR #FascistItaly #666 & #RedChina#America are you going to grow a pair and stop this!? #RestoreTheMilitia#VeteransAdministration
    #Veterans Told By Local #VA They...  more
    Veterans Told By Local VA They Are "Subject To Inspection To Inc
  • Lenora Thompson
    My friend, Gregory Bruce, served 3 tours in #Vietnam, losing a lung and a kidney due to his injuries, and is now being denied cancer treatment by the #VA. Here's his letter to his Senator. He's a great guy and deserves better than this! #veteranabuse ...  more
    • William Morey and 3 others reacted on this.
    • Lenora Thompson
      Jimmy Carbonaro Front line combat troops in Vietnam saw over 200 days of fighting each year because helicopters got them in & out in less than an hour. WWII front line combat troops saw 10 to 40 days of fighting each year because they were transported by trucks.
    • Lenora Thompson
      Gary Gatehouse I'm proud to say I am Vietnam Veteran I Corp South Vietnam 65-66 my brother also served in Vietnam he died from Agent Orange exposure, he died of cancer
      Hide 2 Replies
        • Lenora Thompson
          Jimmy Carbonaro My condolences on the loss of your brother.
          • January 4, 2022
        • Lenora Thompson
          Lenora Thompson Thank you for your service. So very sorry about your brother.
          • January 9, 2022
    • Lenora Thompson
      Patricia Mascari get these guys on med beds!!
      • January 3, 2022
  • Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama.. Unbelievable! Please share!

    https://westernfreepress.com/liberal-school-named-after-barack-obama/ />
    #Obama #Liberals #Schools #Richmond #VA #News #Politics #CampusCraziness
    Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama
  • Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama.. Unbelievable! Please share!

    https://westernfreepress.com/liberal-school-named-after-barack-obama/ />
    #Obama #Liberals #Schools #Richmond #VA #News #Politics #CampusCraziness
    Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama
  • Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama.. Unbelievable! Please share!

    https://westernfreepress.com/liberal-school-named-after-barack-obama/ />
    #Obama #Liberals #Schools #Richmond #VA #News #Politics #CampusCraziness
    Another Liberal School Named After Barack Obama
    • James Ledbetter
      Ronald Egan
    • James Ledbetter
      James Ledbetter Thats Right
      • June 21, 2018
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