• Jeff Hertzog
    Why Are the #Chickens So Sick? (My opinion DONE BY DESIGN! Time to go #Organic with #Poultry and #Eggs!)

    Very few of the birds killed are in pain or even symptomatically sick. If one chicken in a house of a million tests positive for HPAI, the...  more
    Why Are the Chickens So Sick? ⋆ Brownstone Institute
  • MinistryOf Truth
    So Much For Ukrainian Propaganda...
    Pay particular attention to these keywords while you're at it:
    #ukraine, #chickens, #chickennuggets, #chickenweek, #chickenlittle, #chickenshits.

  • Jeff Hertzog
    Video: DR. SAM BAILEY: TAKING AWAY YOUR #CHICKENS BUILT ON LIES https://www.bitchute.com/video/gqIy9Z15bZel/
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Althea Webb And it's because eggs help keep you from getting covid and if you do, it can pull the spike proteins out of your body.
  • Jeff Hertzog
    For those who HAVE the land and all that, TIME TO GROW #Organic #food including Chickens and Eggs! #WakeUpAmerica
    #NIH Website Study Could Be Reason Why #Chickens & #Eggs Have Been Targeted During CONvid-1984 - #Covid - ...  more
    NIH Website Study Could Be Reason Why Chickens & Eggs Have Been
  • MinistryOf Truth
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