• Alexander Rogge
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Fire Erupts At #Pendleton, #Oregon #Flour Mill – The Latest In A Long Line Of #Foodrocessing Facilities #Fires - #Farmers, customers scramble to make new plans after flour mill fire ...  more
    Farmers, customers scramble to make new plans after flour mill f
    • John chiarello reacted on this.
    • Jeff Hertzog
      George Sotomayor Sounds like someone is shutting the door after the barn burnt down with the horses in it. In case you didn't catch it that is called a mixed metaphor.
      • August 13, 2022
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Those Food Facility Fires That Have Been Going On In The US Are
  • Micah Freeman
    Watch "Antif@ S0r0s Funded Ri0ts  #Fires #Riots" on YouTube
    Riots all over the USA. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/alicemasci PAYPAL: alicemasci@gmail.com TWITTER: AliceDowntheRabbitHole@AliceMasci MERCH: TrumpTeesFor2020.com BLOG: https://alicedownrabbithole.blogspot.... HERO SOAP COMPANY : https:...
  • Darrell Turner
    These are the little Basement Brats, that seem to be putting fear into the American citizens,, when actually, they are being funded by Soros/ demowads, and are a group of wusses, playing in a big boys league, and can easily be crushed.. Notice how tough...  more
    Riots all over the United States. Song- Madonna Ghost Town PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/alicemasci PAYPAL: alicemasci@gmail.com TWITTER: AliceDowntheRabbitHole@AliceMasci MERCH: TrumpTeesFor2020.com BLOG: https://alicedownrabbithole.blog...
    • Samuel Tambe reacted on this.
    • Darrell Turner
      Darrell Turner These are the little Basement Brats, that seem to be putting fear into the American citizens,, when actually, they are being funded by Soros/ demowads, and are a group of wusses, playing in a big boys league, and can easily be crushed.. Notice how tough...  more
  • Samuel Tambe
    Riots all over the United States. Song- Madonna Ghost Town PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/alicemasci PAYPAL: alicemasci@gmail.com TWITTER: AliceDowntheRabbitHole@AliceMasci MERCH: TrumpTeesFor2020.com BLOG: https://alicedownrabbithole.blog...
    • Samuel Tambe reacted on this.
    • Samuel Tambe
      Darrell Turner These are the little Basement Brats, that seem to be putting fear into the American citizens,, when actually, they are being funded by Soros/ demowads, and are a group of wusses, playing in a big boys league, and can easily be crushed.. Notice how tough...  more