• Tracy Conner
    The Devil is Down in Georgia
  • John Velisek
    John Velisek wrote a new blog entry:
    The Devil is Down in Georgia
  • Robert Smiith
    #JoeBiden Holds #ParkingLotRally for #Ossoff and #Warnock at Empty Wearhouse — Photos — WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? This Guy Got 81 Million Votes?
    Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empt
  • Robert Smiith
    #MLK’s Niece #AlvedaKing Fires Back At Georgia Dem Senate Candidates, Says #Warnock And #Ossoff ‘Adept’ At Playing The #RaceCard
    MLK's Niece Alveda King Fires Back At Georgia Dem Senate Candida
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