• Alexander Rogge
  • Alexander Rogge
    Babylon Bee - Mark Hamill Joins Death Star Press Conference To Say What A Good Job He Thinks The Emperor Is Doing:

    Mark Hamill Joins Death Star Press Conference To Say What A Good
    • John Dyckson reacted on this.
    • Alexander Rogge
      Jimmy Carbonaro
  • Alexander Rogge
  • Robert Smiith
    #MarkHamill wants #StarTrek, #StarWars and #Marvel to sue the #SpaceForce over logo/slogan appropriation
    Mark Hamill wants Star Trek, Star Wars and Marvel to sue the Spa
    • Patrick Leeper reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Gary Vohn Oh more bull NASA invented the rocket and all the logo elements. Go stick your phony laser stick up your rear HAMILL.
      • December 24, 2020
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