Recent Entries

  • Hellbound handbaskets of Liberal Operatives

    Remember when "social agendas" were about what party to go to Saturday night? When life was fun? Easy going? More honest and real? When politicians didn't try to rule our day and our minds?  Every day we're attacked with the ideologies of Socialism, Progressivism, blind openness to moral decay...
  • More Socialist Corruption: AOC's Shifting Campaign Funds

    TWO MONTHS IN OFFICE AND the questions of lies, deceit and corruption are already coming out from the queen of socialism. Hey, they live by their own rules and after all.... they're better than us so they're allowed to screw us while we're expected to smile.   The darling of the left – ...
  • Black? Gay? Rich? You need to be a victim too.

      Such lies they'll tell for self promotion and acceptance. Such an agenda of hate against America. And such a willing army of complicit supporters. When is enough.... enough?   Victim. Victimhood. Victimized. Victimization. All we all now victimizers? Could we really be victim...
  • The Glaring Truths of SOTU 2019

    SOTU - The realism of the moment was stark and revealing. I just hope America was watching and got the messages. This article lays it all out. Our future is on the line as result of our current governance   In 2008 I promised myself I would never listen to B. Hussein O give a speech. Call ...
  • Will Trump Pull Out a Win for Patriots?

      The long game. Will Trump pull out a win for patriots and will the trophy go to the right and righteous or be laid scratched and broken on the chalked bloodstained sidelines of history?  Will Socialist score the victory? SOTU may give a glimpse of our future.   Developing the g...

    MILITARY FIGHTING ON THE BORDER - plan on it. Thousands of troops headed to our southern border and 12,000 - 15,000 immigrants headed north to invade our sovereignty. This Major General has a battle plan.     We already have about 2,300 troops on the border and thousands more are ...
  • They Came - They Murdered - They're Still Here

    THEY'RE HERE - AND THEY'RE STILL COMING. They've come, they've killed, they've changed and manipulated our society. There's a slow take over of America through elected office and societal influence. This is and should remain AMERICA and no one has the right to change our way of life.   They...
  • Muslims win big in 2018 elections

    BEWARE - Their numbers are growing, their influence increasing, THEIR POWER EXPOSED.  EVERYONE should read and know this change in America.    America – The Land of Opportunity. The opportunity to live and breathe free – to prosper – to invade and destroy. O...
  • The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration

    The real part, the dark part, the human part of caring about illegals seeking a better life. Are we really responsible for the world? Can we afford it? What are the untold parts of illegal immigration once you get past the caring, accepting, compassionate, helpful, all inclusive rhetoric of the le...
  • Discussing the WALL and more with Former Asst. FBI Director

      Yes, times have changed form the more laid back peaceful interactions of the police and every day citizens, to the war zone streets where everyone including law enforcement fear more for their lives. Gangs and individuals, have become more violent and armed to the teeth like first rate ...
  • Former Asst. FBI Director concerned for law enforcement

    The local policeman helping elderly ladies across the street; driving your son home after a night of partying; hanging out on street corners chewing the fat about the high school football win; virtually gone. Time is too valuable and the environment too hostile. The more relaxed streets of a helpf...
  • The Sentencing of LTG Flynn

    It was an interesting day in a DC courtroom. Each side positioning for power. Each side determined they were right, lawful and reasonable. But we know that can't be the case. Mueller's team claiming victory over a scenario they set up and manipulated. Their hollow silent screams of gotcha Trump go...
  • The Pelosi / Schumer Smackdown by Trump

    A well deserved slap down on Pelosi and Chuckie by President Trump on camera. Two disrespectful, anti-American hacks pushing their open border agenda on the country. Their lack of openness toward this country - their open disrespect of the President and his policies - their desire to "hidden" agen...
  • The Cost of Immigration in American Lives

    ARE YOU IN DANGER? This article lays out is the truth, the true cost of a failed immigration program.  These are the lives our poor immigration policy has cost America. These are people sacrificed in the battle for open borders and lax immigration practices.  “Laws made by common ...
  • America's Caravan of Death

    PASSION? Read the words of a mother whose son was killed by illegal aliens. Read the disgust and anger that is growing in America from this problem. Then please share it with everyone. And read it again. Let it soak in how much effect illegals can have on an individual, on a family, on a country. W...
  • One cost of Immigration - Your money

    The cost of immigration? There are many that people don't realize. One is the billions we spend on border security. Both on the federal and state levels. Two is the jobs lost. There are many that Americans are willing to do but not at half the wage that illegals will work for. Three, the money lost ...
  • LTG Michael Flynn – Up Close and Personal

    My interview with LTG Flynn. A man beset upon by partisans in an ungrateful government, but loved by the people. A patriot who served his country in many ways for over 30 years.     Many think of him as a soldier, a general, a target of government gone amuck, but his time in the milit...
  • The Pussification of America

    No matter how you debate it - The philosophy of teaching has strayed from strong, realistic reality and changed from education to indoctrination. The dumbing down, the coddling and as this author I found says.. it's the "Pussification" of America. The liberal mindset is alive and well in the basti...
  • Jihad in America - Now and Waiting

    There's a threat hiding in America. We need to know about it - recognize it - prepare for it - fight it.   Since the early 1800's, our naval and marine personnel fought overseas in the Barbary Coast to protect ships and sailors. They died reaching out to protect America's assets. In modern da...
  • My PART 3 with Lt General Flynn and others honoring Vets

    Lt General Flynn, Lt General Honore, Maj General Vallely and other officers and patriots made this article possible for Veterans Day. I trust you'll enjoy this personal insight and share as much as possible for others.  These patriots show their power as officers and yet the understanding and p...
  • My PART 2 with Lt General Flynn and others honoring Vets

    Part 1 was excitingly overwhelming and I appreciate the feedback. these patriots showed themselves to be not just professional military warriors, but real people with caring feelings, dedication to family and a desire to make America greater. My PART 2 with Lt General Flynn, Lt General Honore, Maj....
  • Join LTG Flynn, LTG Honoré, MG Vallely and other top officers t

    It was my honor to join LTG Flynn, LTG Honoré, MG Vallely and other top officers to help honor veterans on this Veterans Day.    This part 1 of a series gives personal feedback and insight from some of the military's top leaders. It says THANK YOU VETERANS for a great job done, as...
  • I'M DISGUSTED with the Republican party - AGAIN

    I'M DISGUSTED with the republican party (again) and our elections - and luckily I can write about it.   Most Republicans couldn’t win a poker game as the only player holding a royal flush. Some seem so disorganized, so incompetent, so “PC” that they are as unprepared to w...
  • The message of the left is NOT Peace

    Tuesday is YOUR chance to help save America. Please read and share all over social media because the message of the left is NOT hope, growth and a productive positive place in society, but tyranny, violence, disrupt and destroy. Like no other time the blatant violence, dishonesty, lying, manipulati...
  • The End could be coming Nov 6th

    They say all politics is local but... those local elections affect our national safety, economy and more. This midterm election is so important for each state as the decorates WANT AND NEED control of the US House.  If democrats take control of the house, they’ll investigate every republ...
  • Arizona - get behind the conservative Martha McSally, not a so

    MIDTERM ALERT:  With days left, Arizona needs to get behind the conservative candidates including Martha McSally. Please read the difference between her and her admitted socialist opponent, and RT and share on all social media you can for Arizona friends, family and coworkers.    Ky...
  • No Treason: Generals Vallely & Jones say "America First"

    THE TIME IS NOW: To get involved. To better ourselves and our country. This interview with Major General Vallely and Brigadier General Jones gives a glimpse of the enemy we're facing - the enemy from within. And the enemy is growing and even stronger from within our borders and government than ever ...